Accessibility statement
Société Générale undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
To this end, it shall implement the strategy and actions detailed in its multi-year plan which is currently being drawn up.
This declaration of accessibility applies to Societe Generale Wholesale Banking.
Compliance status
The Societe Generale Wholesale Banking site is partially compliant with WCAG 2.2 Double-A (AA) level due to the non-conformities and deviations listed below.
Test results
The compliance audit carried out by Ipedis reveals that the compliance rate is 53,66% :
- 22 compliant criteria
- 19 non-compliant criteria
- 15 non-applicable criteria
Non-accessible content
The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons.
Non- compliance
Several elements of non-compliance are described in this document, some of which are recurrent on several pages:
- Some non-text content does not have relevant alternatives or is not ignored by assistive technologies.
- Temporal media do not have transcriptions.
- The titles of the various sections are not in title tags.
- The hierarchy between certain headings is irrelevant and does not facilitate comprehension by the screen reader.
- Some elements visually represent a list but are not recognized as such by the screen reader.
- Empty <p> tags are used to visually create space between paragraphs.
- Form fields do not have an autocomplete attribute.
- The navigation menu can sometimes no longer be closed when the window size is reduced to 320 px.
- Insufficient contrast between text and background.
- Some components cannot be reached or activated using the keyboard only.
- The automatic video on the home page has no stop button.
- The titles of several pages are not relevant.
- The title of some links and their context do not make it easy to understand their function or destination.
- Insufficient focus on some components.
- Several links and texts are in English but do not have specific language attributes.
- There's no indication that the results have been updated.
- Required formats are not indicated for some fields.
- Several components do not have names
Derogations for disproportionate burden
No derogation identified.
Content not subject to the obligation of accessibility
No content not subject to the accessibility obligation .
Establishment of this declaration of accessibility
This statement was made on the 24th of July 2024.
Technologies used for the website development:
- JavaScript
The tests of the web pages were performed with the following combinations of user agents and screen readers:
- NVDA avec Google Chrome
The following tools were used in the evaluation:
- Web Developer Toolbar
- WCAG – Constrast checker
- Accessible Color Picker
- Taba11y
- Assistant RGAA
- PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC) 2021
Pages of the site having been the subject of the verification of conformity:
- Accueil
- Mentions Légales
- Accessibilité
- Contact
- Plan du site
- Recherche
- Services de compensation et de correspondance bancaire
- Les Principes de L’Équateur
- Contenus Pédagogiques
- Liste des pays
- Charte Cookies
Feedback and contact information
If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form. Contact the communication department of Société Générale at the following email address: gbis.communication@socgen.com .
Contact channels
This procedure shall be used in the following case:
You have reported to the website manager a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing any of the content or services of the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.
- Write a message to the Defender of Rights
(https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/en/contact) - Contact the Advocate's delegate in your region
(https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/saisir/delegues) - Send a letter by mail (free of charge, do not put a stamp on it)
Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse 71120
75342 Paris CEDEX 07