Equities & Equity Derivatives (copy 1)
SG Markets
Leverage the full power of Societe Generale's proprietary analysis and data from your own system
Best in class
SG Markets Analytics & Data service allows you to benefit from Societe Generale's unique position as a leading investment bank and leverage one of the biggest trading book in the market covering a wide cross asset scope of Equity instruments.
- Equity derivatives volatilities: get volatilities and option prices on main stocks and indices
- Cost of funding levels for world equity indices: get full transparency on the current implied COF term structure and its historical evolution
- Historical block traded volumes for equity and fixed income futures roll: get full transparency on the rolls of over 100 equity, volatility, and fixed income futuresPre-trade portfolio analysis for equity and futures underlyings: analyze the liquidity and the market impact of your portfolio through different axes
- Portfolio analysis based on signals: manage your portfolios with signals configuration and generate daily reports on these portfolios based on market moves
- ETF: find, analyze and compare exchange traded funds (ETFs)
Operating at the heart of Societe Generale's Corporate & Investment Banking market activities, the Cross Asset Research team provides global multi-asset coverage through an array of publications and analytical tools, with two missions in mind:
Help our clients understand market trends, and provide them with smart investment strategies and trade ideas.
Highly supportive of transitioning to a more sustainable economy, Societe Generale stands by you to support the positive impact of your business. Click here to discover our sustainable and positive impact finance solutions.
Equity & Sustainable Responsible Investing Research
- A team of 80+ sectors analysts, with 20 years of experience on average
- Top-ranked ESG research team with over 13 years of experience
- Leading analysts on French and European names
- 5 sector research teams in the top 10 in the II 2020 survey
- Team work between ESG and sectors teams to deliver combined ESG factors and fundamental financial analysis