Top rankings for Societe Generale in the Institutional Investor 2023 Europe Research Survey
Societe Generale ranked #1 in Multi-Asset Research and, for the first time, #1 in Quantitative Research.
The 2023 European Institutional Investor Research (II Research) has ranked Societe Generale #1 in Multi-Asset Research and, for the first time, #1 in Quantitative Research endorsing the quality of our equity and Cross-Asset Quant research and the strength of our Quant platform.
The Institutional Investor 2023 Europe Research Survey is the main indicator of market sentiment in the financial industry.
The rankings achieved in the Institutional Investor 2023 Europe Research Survey highlight Societe Generale’s Cross-Asset Research expertise and recognize our franchise as one of the leading independent research providers on the market.
Societe Generale Cross-Asset Research has been awarded the following rankings:
Economics, Cross-Asset and Quant Research:
#1 in Multi-Asset Research and Quantitative Research
#2 Derivatives Research and Index Research
#5 ESG Research
Equity Sector Research:
#4 Oil Services
#6 Infrastructure
#7 Construction
#9 Telecoms
#10 Luxury Goods, Media, Oils
Our ESG Research franchise ranking is a clear recognition of the continued progress made in the integration of ESG themes across the equity sector, economics, fixed income, and multi-asset research. It also testifies to the group’s strong focus on ESG across all its business units.
Our Macroeconomic analysts also achieved excellent results, and several are ranked in the top 10 in their categories:
#1 Andrew Lapthorne (Quant)
#2 Alain Bokobza (Multi-Asset), Vincent Cassot (Derivatives)
#3 Jitesh Kumar (Derivatives), Yohan Le Jalle (Index)
#4 Sandrine Ungari (Quant)
#5 Albert Edwards (Multi-Asset), Sebastien Lemaire (Index)
#6 Arthur Van Slooten (Multi-Asset)
#7 Abdelali Miftah (Derivatives), Manish Kabra (Multi-Asset), Laure Genet (Index)
#8 Yii Yih Luu (Index)
#9 Laura Tossan (Index)
The following Equity analysts are among the top-ranked in their respective sectors in Europe:
#2 Guillaume Delaby (Oil Services),
#4 Victor Acitores (Infrastructure),
#5 Patrick Jousseaume (Small-MidCap France),
#7 Yannick Ouaknine (ESG),
#8 Marie Line Fort (Small-MidCap France),
#9 Yves Bromehead (Building & Construction), Richard-Maxime Beaudoux (Small-MidCap France)
#10 Christophe Cherblanc (Media), Thierry Cota (Luxury Goods).
#11 Ottavio Adorisio (Telecoms), Jonathan Leinster (Tobacco)
#13 Anne Critchlow (Retailing General)
These outstanding rankings are the result of Societe Generale's strong client relationships and long-standing commitment to offer our clients best-in-class research.
Congratulations to our experts for their continued efforts and thanks to our clients for their trust!