Societe Generale awarded Most Innovative Investment Bank for Infrastructure and Project Finance 2019 by The Banker
This inaugural recognition from such a respected, long-standing publication is testimony of the excellence and quality of the advisory and arrangement services we offer in the infrastructure, energy and metals & mining sectors.
We are pleased to announce that Societe Generale has been awarded: "Most Innovative Investment Bank for Infrastructure and Project Finance 2019" at The Banker’s Investment Banking Awards 2019 ceremony held in London on October 3rd .
The Banker, owned by The Financial Times, provides economic and financial intelligence for the world's financial sector and has built a reputation for objective and incisive reporting.
The editorial team of The Banker came to a decision after considering a detailed pitch where we outlined a series of innovative transactions that emphasized our strength, momentum and consistency in the award category of infrastructure and project finance.
This inaugural recognition from such a respected, long-standing publication is testimony of the excellence and quality of the advisory and arrangement services we offer in the infrastructure, energy and metals & mining sectors where project finance techniques are deployed.
The focus of these awards, innovation, is indeed key if we are to serve our clients and meet the expectations of investors in this constantly evolving, extremely competitive environment. Our transactions over the past twelve months demonstrate the growing integration and alignment among the energy, infrastructure and metals & mining sectors as we rally to face the challenges of climate change and the energy transition. This has also led to the emergence of new asset classes and markets which require banks and clients alike to move at a dramatically faster and far more innovative pace than just a few short years ago.
Our commitment to these sectors and the global franchise we have developed, in large measure thanks to the confidence of our clients, is confirmed by these honors. This follows on having been named Energy Risk Magazine’s “Commodity Finance House of the Year” in May 2019 and Project Finance International’s “Global Advisor of the Year” in December 2018 and hence recognizes the strength of our platform worldwide.
Congratulations to all Societe Generale's teams involved for their outstanding efforts and commitment to being at the forefront of the infrastructure and project finance market.