Health, a priority for Senegal
Senegal makes access to healthcare one of its priorities through the building of four new hospitals.
Health has always been a primary concern of any population and remains a major challenge for developing countries today. In Senegal, significant efforts are being made to improve the supply and access to healthcare across the country. It is in this context that last July Societe Generale was in Dakar alongside Amadou Ba, Minister of Economy, Finance and Planning of Senegal, for the signing of a financing contract of more than 160 million euros, for a project aimed at improving access to healthcare of Senegalese people.
The regional cities of Touba, Kaffrine, Sedhiou and Kedougou have been chosen to welcome four new regional hospitals which will have a total capacity of 750 beds, will be fitted with high-standard equipment and will improve the quality and access to healthcare for the population in these regions. In addition, their construction will generate a significant amount of new jobs.
We are proud to be financial partners on this major development project for Senegal. Being present at the signing ceremony was a very special moment, especially when we heard the minister publicly emphasize the importance of the project for the country.
Export Finance, Societe Generale
This project is part of a larger program put in place by the Government of Senegal called "Plan Sénégal Emergent" (PSE). Dedicated to the economic and social transformation of the country, this plan aims to boost Senegal's development and growth, and accelerate its progress towards emergence. These new hospitals will help achieving the objectives set in terms of public health.
Leveraging on its more than 100 years' experience on the continent and strong understanding of local dynamics, Societe Generale illustrates itself once again as a major player in the development of the African economy and reaffirms its commitment to accompany its growth. This project is an example of positive impact investment that the Group is keen to support. Societe Generale is proud to contribute to the development of the Senegalese economy and infrastructure.