Tilting Policy Balances


The latest quarterly economic report by SG CIB Cross Asset Research

For institutional investors only

SG CIB Cross Asset Research has published its quarterly Global Economic Outlook - "Tilting Policy Balances" a flagship economics publication written by the team of Michala Marcussen, Global Head of Economics.

- Politics, interest rates and the dollar dominate the SG Swan chart
- Mostly slightly below Consensus on growth and inflation
- Pendulum swing - from behind the dots to in line
- Pendulum swing - from job-rich growth to modest productivity gains
- Pendulum swing - From deflation fears to (slow) inflation normalisation
- Pendulum swing - From monetary dominance to fiscal dominance
- Pendulum swing - From political surprises to anticipated tail risks

Watch the below briefing video by Michala Marcussen, Global Head of Economics within SG CIB Cross Asset Research.

Access all reports on www.sgmarkets.com (access restricted to SG CIB clients). 

Access all reports on www.sgmarkets.com (access restricted to SG CIB clients) This interview contains financial analysis which reflects the opinion of the Cross-Asset Research department of Societe Generale at the date of its publication. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the other departments of Societe Generale nor the official opinion of Societe Generale. This interview is dedicated to institutional and professional investors and is not deemed to be seen and used by retail investors for investment purpose. The viewers shall consult their own financial advisers to make their own appraisal.