Market Regulation
Find out more about Market Regulation scope
The Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (“MIFIR”) and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (“MIFID”),...
The Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (“MIFIR”) and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (“MIFID”),...
Dodd Frank Act
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (DFA), signed into U.S. law in July 2010, is intended to...
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (DFA), signed into U.S. law in July 2010, is intended to...
The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2015/2365, hereafter “EU SFTR”) came into force on 12...
The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2015/2365, hereafter “EU SFTR”) came into force on 12...
PRIIPs: Package Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products
Le règlement (UE) du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 26 novembre 2014 sur les documents d’informations clés relatifs...
Le règlement (UE) du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 26 novembre 2014 sur les documents d’informations clés relatifs...
The CSDR (Central Securities Depositories Regulation) Settlement discipline regime introduces new measures for the...
The CSDR (Central Securities Depositories Regulation) Settlement discipline regime introduces new measures for the...
Clearing and Prime Brokerage activity
This section addresses specific regulatory requirements (e.g. MiFID II, EMIR, etc.) that apply to clearing and prime...
This section addresses specific regulatory requirements (e.g. MiFID II, EMIR, etc.) that apply to clearing and prime...
Risk Disclosure