Are equity ETFs a crowded trade?
With assets under management now exceeding $5tn, ETFs have undoubtedly become a popular way to get access to a wide variety of exposures. Their fast expansion and diversification towards less liquid strategies have however raised the question of crowding: have ETF positions become large to the point that exiting them might be difficult or costly in the event investors seek to unwind their trades simultaneously?
In an in-depth special report, SG ETF Research analysts take a close look at crowding in the equity ETF space. They have built a database that details the holdings of all equity ETFs. For each of the 16,000 stocks identified, they calculate aggregated ETF holdings and compare them to the stock’s free-float market cap and turnover and also measure the stock liquidity implicitly traded in the ETF.
Based on their calculations, they conclude crowdedness is low on average (90% of worldwide stocks are <10% owned by ETFs as a whole) but some strategies stand out. Beyond ETF size, crowdedness can be explained by the existence of multiple indices focusing on the same strategy and sharing many stocks in common (ex: US small caps) and/or popular, non-market cap weighted indices that may give a tilt to stocks with relatively lower free-float market cap or trading volume (ex: Nikkei 225, mainly as a result of the Bank of Japan’s ETF purchases).
See below links for details on how to access Societe Generale ETF Research – Are equity ETFs a crowded trade? on SG Markets Research and Insights.
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