Does the current environment spell a freeze for CEEMEA debt markets?


Emerging debt markets are exposed to higher rates, as central banks begin the process of ending their easing policies and geopolitical risk is mounting.

Does this spell a freeze in CEEMEA debt markets, even though credit fundamentals are strong?

Not necessarily! Following a record issuance year in 2017, CEEMEA bond volumes have seen the highest ever quarterly level in Q1 2018.  Comprehensive debt advisory expertise and a strong distribution platform can make the difference in successful issuance – even in challenging conditions.

Don’t let volatile conditions stall your debt financing plans. If you are in the CEEMEA region and are considering issuance, we can help.

Societe Generale, with its tailored debt advisory and solutions-based approach, is a top ranked underwriter of CEEMEA bonds and a leading provider of finance in Eastern Europe thanks to an extensive presence on the ground. Let us help make sure that more challenging market conditions don’t hold back your debt issuance plans.

Debt Capital Markets Trends


Emerging debt markets are exposed to higher rates, as central banks begin the process of ending their easing policies and geopolitical risk is mounting.

Does this spell a freeze in CEEMEA debt markets, even though credit fundamentals are strong?

Not necessarily! Following a record issuance year in 2017, CEEMEA bond volumes have seen the highest ever quarterly level in Q1 2018.  Comprehensive debt advisory expertise and a strong distribution platform can make the difference in successful issuance – even in challenging conditions.

Don’t let volatile conditions stall your debt financing plans. If you are in the CEEMEA region and are considering issuance, we can help.

Societe Generale, with its tailored debt advisory and solutions-based approach, is a top ranked underwriter of CEEMEA bonds and a leading provider of finance in Eastern Europe thanks to an extensive presence on the ground. Let us help make sure that more challenging market conditions don’t hold back your debt issuance plans.

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