SG CIB new ad campaign illustrates its central role in linking issuers and investors


Bringing the best service to our clients, in financing, advisory, investment solutions and risk management is part of our DNA.
For Corporates, Financial Institutions and public sector: we provide a global advisory approach (M&A, debt, equity transaction, capital structure, and asset & liability management), as well as quality capital raising solutions across the debt and equity spectrum thanks to our deep understanding of markets and investors, optimised financing and expert risk management responses notably in the realm of foreign exchange and rates derivatives.
For investors: we offer reliable and sound investment opportunities, as well as risk management solutions through an integrated global markets platform delivering seamless access to markets (equity, rates, credit, currencies, commodities and derivatives), as well as advice and solid financial engineering, quality of execution and forward looking research across asset classes.

Click here
to watch the new ad for SG CIB, as the link between issuers and investors.

Our credentials in the areas of expertise we bring to our issuers and investors clients: